Sunday, March 9, 2008

Post 10: Audience Participation/Contribution/Interaction

This section will be used to record thoughts on the role of the audience in the project.

First thoughts: The Gratitude of Monsters is very concerned with the notion and process of complicity. This manifests itself in a number of different modes of audience participation and contribution. 

However, work with audience participation can be extremely problematic, as the means by which an audience can engage with a piece of live performance are often ill defined, or the contract established determines that failure to participate hampers the performance and embarrasses the audience. So for the Gratitude of Monsters the terms are very clear: Answer this question/Repeat after me/Watch us. Moreover, there are no wrong answers or bad replies, and not participating neither causes problems for the performance or the audience. In fact refusals, mistakes and errors continue to further the piece.

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