Friday, November 23, 2007
Post 5: Music
Post 4: Encyclopaedia
Post 3: Atlas
All recommended, none essential, discussion and additions welcome.
Book list. (All books can be requested and posted to you.)
*JG Ballard: Crystal Forest, Supercannes, Drowned World, Crash, The Atrocity Exhibition.
Gilles Deleuze: Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation.
*John Gray: Straw Dogs.
Peter Handke: Offending the Audience.
John Russell: Francis Bacon.
Carl Sagan: The Dragons of Eden.
Record list. (Sample CD to follow.)
*Philip Glass: Facades.
Pacabel: Cannon in D.
*Radiohead: Kid A, Hail to the Thief, In Rainbows.
Thom York: Eraser.
Film list. (Screenings to follow in rehearsals.)
*David Cronenberg: Crash. The re-enactment of James Dean’s death.
Michael Lesy: Wisconsin Death Trip.
*Chris Marker: La Jette.
Bella Tarr: The Werckmeister Harmonies. Opening scene.
James Whale: Frankenstein: Introduction/warning.
Richard Kelly: Donnie Darko. The Rabbit.
Art list. (Please search internet for images .)
*Francis Bacon: Study for three figures at the base of the crucifixion (a triptych which is central to the piece, also see all other works by Bacon).
Jake and Dinos Chapman: Insult to Injury.
Francisco Goya: Saturn devouring his Children.
Event list. (Merging corporate/military/governmental consultants with celebrity)
Think tanks, conferences, award shows, product launches.
Location List.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Post 2: FIrst Steps

- Atlas (List of books, films, music, fine art, and other influences on the project.)
- Encyclopaedia (Document explaining where the ideas for the project came from and how they developed.)
- Script for Appreciation (Part 1)
- Script for Repeat After Me (Part 2)
- Draft funding application.
- DVD of works in progresses of Appreciation and Repeat After Me.
- CD of music.
Post 1: The Gratitude of Monsters